
By God's grace, we exist to worship, love and glorify God
by becoming and developing healthy, mature followers of Jesus. 

About Us

In the spring of 1985, 42 university students and 42 community members came together for a worship service, and on November 17, 1985, Clemson Presbyterian Church was established. Situated at the edge of Clemson University, our church has been given a unique opportunity to serve both the university community and the community at large. Almost 40 years later, we continue to be amazed at how the Lord is at work in the Clemson community.

We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).

Mission & Vision


The Bible is God’s living and active word and is completely true in all that it teaches. Because it is God’s gracious self-revelation, we joyfully submit to its authority and wisdom in all areas of life.

The gospel is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes. Jesus’ full, atoning work for sinners can redeem and transform any life, family or culture. This reality provides great confidence and joy in the present and a sure hope for the future.

We believe the truth taught in the Bible is faithfully summarized in the historic creeds of the early church and the Westminster Standards.

We recognize that we can do nothing without God. God has called us to pray, recognizing our absolute dependence upon Him. We may be confident that God hears our prayers and answers in the way that most glorifies Him.

Christianity is inherently relational. Loving, knowing, and worshiping our relational God gives us a foundation of love upon which we actively build strong, substantive relationships with believers and unbelievers.

We do not exist solely for ourselves but for our lost friends, neighbors and the world. We answer God’s call to be salt and light in a dying world by directly proclaiming the gospel in word and deed and supporting others who do the same.


All Christians are called to be disciples of Christ. A healthy, maturing disciple is someone who is growing and changing, and becoming more like Jesus. This transformation takes place by the power of the Holy Spirit as an individual learns and experiences the truth of the gospel through the means of grace in loving, accountable community with other believers.

The Gospel informs, guides and redeems all areas of life. It restores us as true image-bearers of God. As a result, the categorical distinction between “sacred” and “secular” is dissolved as all of life is lived under the lordship of Jesus Christ.

We believe discipleship is best nurtured in the context of gospel-centered relationships in which we help each other think and live biblically in relationship with Christ and one another.

A healthy, maturing disciple is characterized by continued growth in three main areas:

  • THE HEAD - We are growing in our knowledge and understanding of truth as revealed in the Bible.
  • THE HEART - We are growing to love God, to love what God loves, to love others, and to let our emotions be guarded and guided by the truth.
  • THE HANDS - We are growing to actively practice all that the Bible teaches us to do. 

It is tempting to over-emphasize one area of growth or to neglect an area of growth entirely (especially if we are strongest in a particular area). But becoming conformed to the image of Christ and truly living in light of the gospel means that we must grow in all three areas simultaneously. Each area also informs and encourages growth in the others. They are inextricably intertwined. Real transformation involves necessary and unavoidable overlap in head, heart, and hands.


  • Discipleship begins when one is brought into a personal, saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Spiritual growth, then, is centered on a true knowledge of Jesus’ person and work.
  • The Bible is the primary source for everything we need to understand who God is and what He requires of us. We must engage our minds in the study of the Scriptures, both personally, in Bible reading, study and memorization, quiet time, and using other methods, as well as corporately, in large groups, small groups, and one on one.
  • We engage our minds in God centered worship by singing hymns and songs that are defined and directed by Scripture, ever mindful that God himself is our audience.
  • We seek to be so filled with His Word and wisdom that we are fully equipped for all of life.


  • While scripture commands us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, acquiring biblical knowledge is not the end of Christian discipleship. Genuine believers live in dynamic relationship with God.
  • By the work of the Holy Spirit, God becomes our first love and the object of our worship. As a result, we come to love what he loves, desire what He desires, delight in what delights Him, and live out gospel truth in our daily lives.
  • Those who have been transformed by the Spirit of God will find great joy and confidence in the finished work of Christ.
  • Transformed hearts also value and embrace human relationships. Growing disciples spend significant time in various settings (large groups, small groups and one-on-one) with other believers, encouraging one another, loving one another, correcting one another, praying with and for one another, and moving one another on toward greater gospel health.


  • As we grow in our understanding of God and the gospel, our love expands beyond ourselves toward others.
  • Our love for others manifests itself through practical, sacrificial service. Our service begins in the household of God by showing mercy to our own families and to those in our congregation.
  • Christian service also addresses those outside the visible church. Ministries of word and deed proclaim the gospel and provide practical care for unbelievers. Such service looks to our families, friends and neighbors, and the whole world, personally, corporately, and through those called to mission work.