The kid's ministry serves K5 through fifth-graders by helping them to become mature and healthy followers of Christ who worship, love, and glorify God. It’s important to us to be intentional with children in both building relationships with them and teaching them the bible on an age-appropriate level. We come alongside parents by equipping and encouraging them.
Associate Pastor of Students & Families: Matthew Icard
Associate Pastor of Students & Families: Matthew Icard
Contact Us
for cpc kids
*to learn about our child protection policies scroll down to FAQs

K5-5th grade
Wednesdays | 6-7:30pm
Upstairs Ed Building
Wednesdays | 6-7:30pm
Upstairs Ed Building
Midweek is our weekly Children's program on Wednesday evenings from 6-7:30pm. Kids will eat together and then play and learn. The children's ministry works to use age appropriate curriculum, leader led small groups, games, and songs to engage kids.
Check in is at the front circle of the church. You're welcome to drive up and check kids in or park and walk your kids up.
Check in is at the front circle of the church. You're welcome to drive up and check kids in or park and walk your kids up.
Sunday School
Kindergarden-5th grade classes
Sundays | 9am
Upstairs Education Building
Sundays | 9am
Upstairs Education Building
Our children have Sunday School classes designed just for them. Classes are divided by age group to study the Dwell curriculum.

Kid's Corner & Engage
Worship Center Lobby
Sundays 10:30am
Sundays 10:30am
Kids are welcome in our service! Even wiggly ones. During the sermon, kids ages K5-1st grade are dismissed to Engage, a program to help them learn practice worship while learning on their level. For older children, in the lobby (under the coat rack), you'll find several bookshelves with resources to help your children during worship - clipboards filled with paper, a children's bulletin, colored pencils, and lots more. You'll also find books and fidget toys.
On your way out, Drop the resources back at the Kid's Corner for the next week!
On your way out, Drop the resources back at the Kid's Corner for the next week!
Our full calendar is available here or on the Clemson Pres app.
Keep in touch with the Kids' Ministry!
Get updates, newsletters, and events info! Click below to subscribe!
Get updates, newsletters, and events info! Click below to subscribe!
Do you have a child protection policy?
Yes. You can read the full policy here and below we answer a few of the main questions.
Are CPC Kids workers & volunteers background checked?
Yes. We process a criminal background check on all of our staff and volunteer workers every 3 years.
Who is allowed in the children’s areas?
Only those with a background check are allowed in our designated children’s ministry areas.
What are check in/out procedures?
We use a “double check” system. We check children in once when they arrive and again when they are divided into their smaller age and stage groups. We dismiss our children to their parents using a similar system.
Do children attend worship?
Yes. We welcome all of our children into the Sunday morning worship service. Wiggly kids are welcome, too! If your child needs a little extra room, there are family tables in the lobby that you're welcome to use. You are still able to see and hear the service.
Kids K5-2nd grade are welcome to join in Engage which is designed to help them learn to join in with the service when they're ready. Kids are dismissed to Engage after the congregation sings and rejoin their families during the last song.
What can my child expect from their time in CPC Kids?
We sincerely hope that every child at CPC is seen, known, loved, and led during his/her time with CPC Kids. We also hope and pray that every child will know Jesus and grow in his/her relationship with Jesus day-by-day. During our regular ministries, we spend a lot of time eating, playing, singing, and learning together.
How do I know what's going on with CPC Kids?
The Clemson Pres App is the best way to keep up with our regular schedule. You're welcome to join our children's email list to get monthly updates. You can also email kidsministry@clemsonpres.org.
Yes. You can read the full policy here and below we answer a few of the main questions.
Are CPC Kids workers & volunteers background checked?
Yes. We process a criminal background check on all of our staff and volunteer workers every 3 years.
Who is allowed in the children’s areas?
Only those with a background check are allowed in our designated children’s ministry areas.
What are check in/out procedures?
We use a “double check” system. We check children in once when they arrive and again when they are divided into their smaller age and stage groups. We dismiss our children to their parents using a similar system.
Do children attend worship?
Yes. We welcome all of our children into the Sunday morning worship service. Wiggly kids are welcome, too! If your child needs a little extra room, there are family tables in the lobby that you're welcome to use. You are still able to see and hear the service.
Kids K5-2nd grade are welcome to join in Engage which is designed to help them learn to join in with the service when they're ready. Kids are dismissed to Engage after the congregation sings and rejoin their families during the last song.
What can my child expect from their time in CPC Kids?
We sincerely hope that every child at CPC is seen, known, loved, and led during his/her time with CPC Kids. We also hope and pray that every child will know Jesus and grow in his/her relationship with Jesus day-by-day. During our regular ministries, we spend a lot of time eating, playing, singing, and learning together.
How do I know what's going on with CPC Kids?
The Clemson Pres App is the best way to keep up with our regular schedule. You're welcome to join our children's email list to get monthly updates. You can also email kidsministry@clemsonpres.org.