By God’s grace, we want to see our 6th through 12th graders actively growing in their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and his Church.
In order to accomplish these goals, we seek to provide our youth with a variety of spiritual growth opportunities in worship, service, & fellowship. We believe that the Youth & Families Ministry should include a healthy balance of large group, small group, and one-one-one discipleship; our programming reflects this balance.
Though the first and primary responsibility for the discipleship of youth is their parents, the local church also has a responsibility to minister to teens as individuals, especially as their move toward adulthood. Ministry to youth and families does not replace the work of parents but it does partner with families to equip and encourage.
Associate Pastor of Youth & Families: Matthew Icard
In order to accomplish these goals, we seek to provide our youth with a variety of spiritual growth opportunities in worship, service, & fellowship. We believe that the Youth & Families Ministry should include a healthy balance of large group, small group, and one-one-one discipleship; our programming reflects this balance.
Though the first and primary responsibility for the discipleship of youth is their parents, the local church also has a responsibility to minister to teens as individuals, especially as their move toward adulthood. Ministry to youth and families does not replace the work of parents but it does partner with families to equip and encourage.
Associate Pastor of Youth & Families: Matthew Icard

Youth Group
Middle School | 5:30-7pm | room 2E1
High School | 7:15-8:30pm | Lobby
Middle School | 5:30-7pm | room 2E1
High School | 7:15-8:30pm | Lobby
Youth Group gives students a place to play, worship, and learn together each week in a large group setting.
Fellowship Hall | 6-7:30pm
Fellowship Hall | 6-7:30pm
Discipleship groups (dgroups) help students apply the gospel to their lives through Gospel-centered discussion, prayer, and intentional relationships. Each group is divided by grade and gender to encourage honesty and connection. Students eat dinner together then divide into groups with adult leaders.
Sunday School
Middle Schoolers meet in 2E1 to study Big Questions by Chris Morphew.
High Schoolers meet in Matthew's office to study Radically Different by Champ Thorton.
*Promotion Sunday is when students move up to their new classes based on their grade. This begins the new semester of Sunday School.
High Schoolers meet in Matthew's office to study Radically Different by Champ Thorton.
*Promotion Sunday is when students move up to their new classes based on their grade. This begins the new semester of Sunday School.
How can my kid get involved?
There are lots of ways for your student to get involved with CPC youth! Weekly programming (Youth Group, Dgroups, or Sunday School) is a great place to start. Special events like the annual Christmas Progressive Dinners and our retreats are also a fun way to enter into the youth group. Matthew and Bailie also attend lots of community and school events (plays, games, etc.) as well as meeting one on one with students and parents. If we can help your student connect, reach out to Matthew or Bailie.
What retreats does the youth take?
Our youth typically take 2-3 retreats a year, depending on their age and grade. We typically take our middle schoolers on a day trip or two and an over-night trip in the winter. Our high schoolers get away for two full weekend retreats in the fall and spring. We also take our students to middle and high school RYM summer conferences.
What are your child protection policies?
We take your children's safety very seriously and take every reasonable precaution we can. From background checks to media releases, we have a lot of policies in place. You can read in-depth about those policies here. If you have any questions, reach out to Matthew or Bailie.
How are your volunteers chosen?
We are very selective when it comes to those who serve with our middle and high school students. We look for people who are trustworthy, wise, energetic, and excited to come alongside students who are constantly growing and changing. Our current volunteer group consists of college students and up. It's a blessing to see people of all ages investing in our youth group.