In our ministries with students and children, we take all reasonable measures to keep them safe and protected from harm or abuse.
We believe children and students are a precious stewardship and a blessing (Gen 33:5, Ps 127:3-5), they enjoy the Lord's special favor (Mt 18:l 0, Lk 18:16), and their care, nurture, and education in the church are highly important means in bringing them to salvation (Prov 22:6, 2 Tim 3:14-15). So it is incumbent upon church officers, staff, paid workers, volunteers, and all members to take great pains to guard and protect the children in their care. The CPC Session adopts this Policy to help achieve these ends. The Session designates the Associate Pastor of Youth and Families as primarily responsible for the implementation of the Policy.
Like any other organization, CPC cannot absolutely guarantee that no harm will happen to a child in our care. We can, however, through adherence to our Child Protection Policy, make meaningful efforts to make sure our leaders are deserving of trust and respect.
We believe children and students are a precious stewardship and a blessing (Gen 33:5, Ps 127:3-5), they enjoy the Lord's special favor (Mt 18:l 0, Lk 18:16), and their care, nurture, and education in the church are highly important means in bringing them to salvation (Prov 22:6, 2 Tim 3:14-15). So it is incumbent upon church officers, staff, paid workers, volunteers, and all members to take great pains to guard and protect the children in their care. The CPC Session adopts this Policy to help achieve these ends. The Session designates the Associate Pastor of Youth and Families as primarily responsible for the implementation of the Policy.
Like any other organization, CPC cannot absolutely guarantee that no harm will happen to a child in our care. We can, however, through adherence to our Child Protection Policy, make meaningful efforts to make sure our leaders are deserving of trust and respect.
***to read the full policy, scroll to the buttons at the bottom of the page
If you are interested in volunteering for children or youth ministries, review the documents below. Then email one of the following addresses to start the background check process.