Because only God deserves it, and because we are only satisfied in him, we will be a church that exists to bring glory to God.
Because the Bible is the Word of God, we will be a church that knows his truth, trusts it, submits to it, and lives it out.
Because without the grace of Jesus, we are condemned and helpless, we will be a church where his grace defines our relationships with God, self, each other, and the world.
Because our God is love, we will be a church where our relationships with God, each other, and the world are characterized by love.
*Curious to learn more about our values? Listen to the sermon introduction of them here.
What do we long to see God do?
We long for the grace of Jesus to transform individuals, our church, Clemson, our region, and the world
We long to see individuals transformed by the grace of Jesus in these kinds of ways:
- Conversions resulting from our people sharing their faith in word and deed.
- Christians walking with God out of the freedom and joy of the gospel, not unhealthy guilt and shame.
- Christians becoming radically obedient in every part of their life, living out of a sense of worship, because of an outflow of gratitude and trust in the gospel.
CLEMSON & our region
We long to see Clemson and our region transformed by the grace of Jesus in these kinds of ways:
- Burdens of poverty in all its forms are lifted through our mercy ministry, and our formation of strategic partnerships with other churches and organizations.
- Those with whom we live, work and play know they are loved by members of CPC as we get to know them, their needs, their questions, and their lives.
- Many college students, including international students, find a spiritual home here, are equipped, and sent out into all walks of life to serve the church and kingdom.
- That many faculty, staff, and administrators at Clemson University would come to Christ, and would share a Christian worldview with their students.
- The everyday work of our people will be a tangible blessing to the Clemson community.
- More churches that are transformed by grace in Pickens, Oconee, and
- Anderson counties through our church planting efforts.
Our Church
We long to see our church transformed by the grace of Jesus in these kinds of ways:
- Bible directed, Spirit filled, Jesus exalting, and truth proclaiming worship services that are accessible to Christians and non-Christians and seek to glorify God and transform people.
- A church culture that reflects Jesus’ grace and truth such that people experience the welcome and love of God through others.
- Radical generosity of our time, talent, and treasure.
Our World
We long to see the world transformed by the grace of Jesus in these kinds of ways:
- We are used to help grow biblical and reformed church planting movements especially in the area of unreached people groups.
- All of our people are involved in reaching the world through prayer, giving, encouraging, or going.
- Our missionary partners are more effective through our praying, giving, and encouragement.
- We send out short term teams that effectively aid our partners, and lead to growth in those that go.
*Curious to learn more about our vision? Listen to the sermon introduction of them here.
What will we do to move toward the vision?
Make, equip, and send out disciples who are so transformed by the gospel that they live it out in every part of their lives.
A disciple is made when someone goes from unbelief to belief.
A disciple is equipped as they go from belief to maturity. We believe disciples grow best in environments of truth, relationships, prayer, and service. We commit ourselves to being deliberate and intentional in seeking to produce mature disciples, trusting God to do the work of bringing many to maturity.
A disciple is sent out to serve in the church, and wherever they live, work or play. That can be in culture, education, business, the trades, etc.
To live out the gospel is not just knowing it, but loving it, and trusting its transforming power in all of life.