Worship plays a critical role in edifying and equipping believers. We aim to create Christ-centered worship in our services. The Lord uses music to work Truth into us as it engages our hearts, minds, and imaginations. Ultimately, we desire corporate worship to encourage believers as they grow in grace and are equipped to impact the world.
Music Director: Laurie Parsons
Music Director: Laurie Parsons
Contact Us
Learn the songs
We keep a playlist of music so you can learn what we will be singing each week. There is also a running playlist of the songs we sing often.
Singing Sunday →
Clemson Pres Playlist →
Singing Sunday →
Clemson Pres Playlist →

Wednesdays | 7pm
Worship Center
Worship Center
Singers of all skill levels and experience are welcome! No audition, just a heart for singing. This ensemble generally sings twice a month in the worship service and presents two larger programs at Christmas and Easter. Rehearsal is at 7pm on Wednesday evenings.
Choir takes the month of July off, but returns August 7th.
Choir takes the month of July off, but returns August 7th.
Worship Team
Wednesdays | 8pm
Worship Center
Worship Center
Singers and instrumentalists (of all types — band, orchestral, folk, jazz) are needed for this team. An audition is required. Rehearsal is at 8pm on Wednesdays. We also do a sound check on 9:30am on Sunday mornings before worship service.
Tech Team
time varies
If you’re more technically oriented and want to help out some of the behind the scenes ministries that help make Sunday Worship possible, consider helping out with sound, projected media, livestream, or recordings.