
CPC Community Groups are small, regular gatherings of roughly 8-12 people, designed to build intentional relationships within the greater, local body of Christ.

Groups launch in August and run through May each year. They are encouraged to have one social event over the summer. Each group is a healthy blend of fellowship, Bible study, prayer, and service.
We desire for CPC Community Groups to be places where people are ENCOURAGED by authentic relationships, EQUIPPED by God and His Word, and ENGAGED in God's mission for our church and community.
Community Groups serve as a clear “next step” for people at CPC to begin or continue building authentic relationships in a smaller setting within the greater body, to “encourage one another all the more,” as the author of Hebrews exhorts (Hebrews 3:12-14).

Practically, this will include relational aspects of group development, like enjoying snacks or meals together (desserts/coffee/etc), creating a welcoming atmosphere for attendees, following up with group members through the week and looking for opportunities to build relationships in and outside of the group meeting times.

Community Groups help to “equip the saints” through studying God’s Word, identifying and employing spiritual gifts and callings (such as gifts of leadership, hospitality, encouragement), and praying together for one another often as they gather (Acts 2:42-47).

Studies will be chosen together by the group facilitator and the Pastor of Adult Discipleship, and may change throughout the course of the year. Sermon discussion questions will continue to be provided as one option for application-guided conversations.
Community Groups will help focus individuals toward various missions and ministries of CPC by partnering with locally supported organizations as well as missionaries abroad — to help further the mission of the church through small group efforts (1 Peter 4:7-11).

Some examples might include adopting a supported missionary (sending cards or gifts), gathering Christmas baskets for a fostering organization, setting up volunteer days at locally supported community ministries, or hosting a neighborhood party and inviting non-Christian friends and neighbors.


What makes Community Groups distinct as a CPC small group?

Unity in Diversity

Community Groups are primarily multi-generational and mixed-gender. They meet at various times and locations throughout the week, in homes or at the church building. Most groups meet weekly, while some meet 2-3 times a month (no less than two times per month).
Opportunities for Growth

Community Groups are committed to helping group members identify and employ spiritual gifts, including gifts of hospitality, leadership, service, encouragement, prayer and more. For example, the leader/facilitator of the group may be different than the host home of the group.
Multiplication in Mind

Community Groups have a vision for replicating/multiplying. The ideal size of a Community Group is 8-12 people. As a group grows larger, it should be moving toward multiplication (starting a new group with members of the current group leaving to “plant”). Groups are not “open” or “closed,” but are rather places of hospitality and growth.

Facilitator Profile

See the linked profile below as you prayerfully consider your role as a future Community Group facilitator.

Facilitator Interest Form

After completing the form, our Community Group Oversight Team will followup with interested individuals.


If you have any questions about Community Groups or serving as a  facilitator, contact Pastor Reid Jones.