Worship with us
palm sunday
April 13 | 10:30am
Worship Center
Maundy Thursday
April 17 | 6:30pm
Worship Center
April 20 | 10:30am
Worship Center
*Sunday School does not meet on Easter
*There is no nursery for Maundy Thursday service
*There is no nursery for Maundy Thursday service

Palm Sunday marks the day that Jesus entered Jerusalem upon his final days. It's called Palm Sunday because people laid palms at his feet to welcome him to the city (John 12:13).

Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday remembers the Last Supper and Jesus washing the disciples' feet introducing a new command to love one another as he has loved us (John 13).

good friday
Good Friday commemorates Jesus's substitutionary death on a cross for the sins of his people. (John 19)

Easter celebrates Jesus's resurrection. In defeating death he ensures the salvation of his people from sin and death.
New to Clemson Pres
We're so glad you'll be worshipping with us for Easter! Click below for FAQs and for info on parking, what to expect, etc. If you have any other questions, you can contact us here.